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Spa Motion Room

A form of exercise which emphasizes the balanced development of the body through core strength, flexibility and awareness in order to support efficient, graceful movement. Moderate. Session limited to 12

Total Body Conditioning

Spa Motion Room

Circuit training that is a unique blend of calisthenics, strength and endurance, which can be accomplished with either body-weight or equipment. Strenuous. Limited to 12 participants.

Evening Movie: ‘March of the Penguins’

Check Main Bulletin Board after 5pm

In the Antarctic, every March since the beginning of time, the quest begins to find the perfect mate and start a family. 80 minutes. Rated G, 2005.

Yin Yoga

Spa Motion Room

A slower paced style of Yoga. Poses are held for longer time periods to target the connective tissue. Easy. Limited to 12 participants.